Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What a Speller!

Saul did NOT get his spelling skills from me. I actually yell for him every time I need help spelling a word. But today was his Schools Spelling Bee. We were so proud of him for being chosen to compete. It is actually quite an honor! There were 40 contestants out of over 300 in the 4th and 5th grade classes. They began by making sure us parents knew that "these were the top spellers in there school and each of them have won the spelling bees in their classes." It is even a bigger deal because Saul is the youngest 4th grader of them all. Saul made it to the top 8! (Also the only 4th grader left) He did AWESOME!! We are SO proud of him!


Becka Beacham said...

That's fantastic! Watching people you know and love struggle (especially publicly) is the worst thing, I think I would have developed an ulcer.

Life with the Leonards said...

That's my boy!!

Rhett & Janice Beecher said...

Way to go SAUL!! Can't wait to see you in Disney Land