I know it has taken a while. I feel like I can't catch up with everything. This will take a few posts but here is the first. These are not in any real order.
Russ's cute parents came too.
Hiked to some falls
Bamboo Forest
This was when the Hurricane.. or, really the Tropical storm hit. Everyone was so worried and it turned out to be nothing. This is from the city bus window. LOTS MORE TO COME!!
I know I have been back for almost a week now and still don't have pictures or all the funny stories from our month long trip. Let me just say that there are about 400 amazing (if I do say so myself) pictures begging to be put into a montage; but my card reader is holding my pictures hostage.. I am beside myself about it. I took my card into a camera shop today and they are trying to recover them for me. I guess my card has been "corrupted". Of course it has; just because I went to Hawaii and took my camera everywhere and now I can't even look at my pics. Also today is the first day of school and I couldn't even get a picture of my boys... Even though it would look like every other picture they have because they refused to where their new clothes. Like it is not cool to have creases in your shirts. They don't want to look like they care what they look like. Anyway, I will hopefully get my pictures back tomorrow and show them off then.