Don't you want one of these at your house?! Somebody better stop me from wanting to become a Pagent Mom. It's almost impossible to resist the urge with her in the house.
How do I have a 12yr old? A "pre teen".. I am way to young to watch my son pass the sacrament in church but that is exactly what I was sitting doing this last Sunday.. When Kanyon received the Priesthood last week I made him cut his hair. He was not happy about it but we came to a good compromise. Doesn't he look like a stud!! I wanted to snap a few quick pics before church on Sunday. His first day as a Deacon passing the Sacrament. Russ was able to pass with him. It was a priceless moment to witness.
This is old news for most of you but I am behind on my blogging.. We are moving to UTAH!! We signed the contract and it is now official! Cannot wait to be closer to family! Although we are going to miss the beach immensely!