Thursday, July 14, 2011

13 years and still going strong

For our anniversary this year Russ surprised me with an overnight bed and breakfast and a 3hr Zip Line tour in Atlanta, Georgia. It was pretty amazing! We were literally flying from tree to tree going so fast for 3 hrs. After enduring the worst electrical storm I have ever seen on our drive there we were very happy to have them bring us dinner into our little cabin that night. The weather turned out perfect and other then Russ flying down one zip line and not breaking early enough flew into me leaving me with a few scrapes and bruises, it was perfect. The zip line Russ was on was called "Big Daddy" So he got the nickname "Big Daddy, Wife Beater" for the rest of the tour. It was such a great weekend and I am so grateful I have a husband who likes adventure as much as I do! I'm a lucky girl! Here is to many more years!!


cyrie said...

Happy Anniversary! Looks like so much fun.

Jill Freestone said...

wow, you guys look young and adventurous!

Jessica said...

HE is lucky to have a wife that loves adventure!!!! How come you always look so cute?? Even in jeans and a Tee! Not Fair!! Love ya and can't wait to see you Monday!

Darla said...

3 hours of zip lining?! That sounds awesome!! We still need to come see you guys!! Thanksgiving?!