Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No Fear!

DISCLAIMER: First of all you must know that Ivy dressed herself. This is "fashion" to her. Belly shirt and all. I was not planning on seeing anyone on a Sunday afternoon at the park so I let her wear her "fashion". Now that that is covered I can explain the post...

Growing up with three brothers you learn to have no fear. Ivy doesn't care or realize what might happen after she does something she just goes for it. Case and point :

Ivy looking at me wondering if she should hang high above the ground..

Still looking at me realizing that it was not the best idea...

Thankfully she has a good brother who helps her, so her Mom can take a picture of her bad decision to remind her in the future what she should not do.

Trouble continues...

No broken bones this trip. Just maybe a call from the fashion police...


christy said...

She's so cute. Her outfit looks like something Mia would love.

Angela said...

You caught the look perfectly! Ahh she is so cute--and she can even pull off the "fashion"--you should see Megan dress herself. She changes clothes when we get home to her "fashion". So funny!

Laura said...

She gets her fashion from her fav. auntie Laura...can never go wrong with a lovely flanel it goes with everthing.