Okay, this is my fourth child so you think I would have it down by now... But my little Ivy has got me at my wits end! All three of my boys together never gave me the trouble that she does. Lately she has been wanting to be naked, taking off her diaper and running around. at first we laughed a little but it has started to get a little out of hand, like the other day she stripped in the Gym babysitting. Well, yesterday I had had enough. right before her nap she had pooped and took it upon herself to get her clothes and diaper off in my room... On my floor... After that episode I put her down for a nap and heard her in there for a very long time talking etc. When I finally went in to check on her I found this... She had taken all her sheets/ blankets/ pillows/ books/dolls etc off of her bed (After she had ripped one book to shreads) and was slipping around on her crib matress that was all slippery because she had peed on it and having a great time. I guess she couldn't quite get her shirt off. Anyway, I had painters tape lying around because we have been doing some painting and I taped her diaper on. I taped it on all day today again and plan on doing it until she is potty trained I guess. I am just a little nervous that if she decides to strip again at the gym babysitting that I don't get the authorities called on me when they see the tape wrapped around her waist. I truly do not know what else to do... All I know is that I am done washing sheets and scrubbing floors.
We made it back from Vegas just in time to enjoy Halloween with the kids. I made Ivy's costume this year. She was the cutest little ladybug around. The boys as usual wanted to be Ninjas. It's funny how fast Ivy took to the whole Halloween thing... She trick-or-treated like a pro. And decided that everyone's candy bucket was hers. I tell you what, she is lucky to have brothers that are completely smitten with her. So the majority of this post is going to be pictures of Ivy. I finally got a girl okay....
Eli the Power Ranger
Ivy totally workin it to get some candy
Right when we got home she dove right in! Literally.
Later Halloween night.. The look "oh no I have been caught climbing on top of the table to eat Kanyon's candy"
Then.. "Oh-well, I am the princess... What are they going to do about it? Might as well keep on eating"
We are back and I can't seem to catch up yet! Vegas was great! For me at least. Russ got pretty sick the night we got there and had meetings from 8:00am-5:00pm the few days we were there, so he didn't have much of a vacation. In fact he is still sick. I on the other hand lived it up! I went swimming, shopping (window shopping), took a nap everyday, ate out every meal. I had a true vacation! My Mom came and stayed with the kids which makes it so great when you don't have to worry about a thing. here are a few pic's. Pretty boring when they are just lovey dovey pictures of Russ and I. enjoy anyway!