Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow Day - The Story

We woke up this morning and I had a feeling that the kids were going to be out of school again due to the weather so I thought, why not document our entire day. I mean who doesn't want to get an inside look at what the Beechers do when they have the whole day off of school. Now you don't have to wonder anymore....

7:15am Kanyon looking and pleading for another day off school.

getting his wish as we check the school website and see school is canceled again..

Ivy wakes up and is happy she gets her brothers home again all day.

Saul and Eli sleep having no idea about the good news they are going to wake up too. (As I shut their door to let them sleep as long as they want)

Eli wakes up and crawls into my bed to hear the good news and get a blurry picture taken.

Pancake time.

Kids decide to play in the snow. In 14degree weather.

Snowball fight.

Ivy wants in on the action.

Ivy wants nothing to do with the cold and comes back in the house.

Kanyon and Eli decide to come in also and leave a nice mess of snow clothes.

Game of "Duck Duck Goose"

Saul wakes up and sees my camera out and wants to take a picture of me doing the dishes.

Pulling out of the driveway to brave the snow and get Eli to a birthday party

realizing that the roads really are icy and wishing I stayed home.

Birthday Party for Eli's friend. (not pictured, me getting lost on the way to the party and driving around for 30min)

Leaving the party and scraping my windows.

Kids wanted McDonald's and I gave in.

Me scrubbing the carpet where Kanyon had tracked black ice all through the house. I was not happy.

Russ is home and we head to Lone Star for dinner (kids eat free on Tuesday's, you can't pass it up! I know the kids just had McDonald's but I wanted Lone Star.)

I organize my closet.

We cap off the night with a Family movie night of "Horton Hears a Who". (Well, I watch some and then come and blog)

What a day.. And that was only half of the pictures....


sarah louise said...

They closed school for that much snow? Amateurs!

cyrie said...

I can't believe they had a snow day for that much snow! I should have had the whole week off! I can't believe how old Kanyon is when I see him. Remember when Owen made those brownies with cream cheese in them and we brought them over. You gave one to Kanyon and he took one bite and said, "these are sick". HaHa That still makes me laugh....

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA I like the fact that you bloged your WHOLE day!! lol how come they cancel school for 1/2" of snow there?? gee wiz! lol those pancakes looked delicious... hmmm on 2nd though maybe not right now... lol. I also liked Kanyon's "happy dance" haha... thanks for the adventure and letting us come with! =)

Maggie's Madness said...

We had an ice storm but thank goodness they didn't cancel. Having Brooklyn home today was enough. You know me and snow days don't mix real well.