Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St Patty's

I am one of those people who loves St Patricks day. I think I love it more because of my kids. I love running in there room early in the morning to pinch them while they scramble to get something green on (they are learning to sleep in something green). I love using my whole bottle of green food coloring in one day. I love that my kids might think I am crazy planning a dinner with only green food but they secretly think they have the coolest Mom on the block.. And they do..

Kanyon was determined for his class at school to win the contest for the class wearing the most green. Every item he wore was mine.. I was shocked he agreed. His exact words were...

Me: "Kanyon you do realize you are going to school wearing your Mom's capris and sweater."
Kanyon: "Mom, I am not embarrassed. Last year the coolest kid in school painted his fingernails green; so I am not embarrassed."

Funny thing is is that Saul's class won and although he did have quite the outfit on he didn't stand out like Kanyon.

This is how he left for school..

We had green shamrock pancakes for breakfast and a dinner that consisted of only green items.

Funny Story

Eli was using my bathroom while I was sitting on the computer right outside the door. he was in there for a while and then I heard him laughing. Laughing hard. I hear the toilet flush and hear him washing his hands and he continues to laugh. He comes out and says:

Eli: " Mom, you know how it is St Patricks day, I just pooped and my poop is even green"
Me: (laughing) "Your pooped even dressed up"

We had a really good laugh. I guess that's whats happens when you eat too much green food coloring!

I think you people who are too cool to dress in green on St Patty's day, are missing out! Big time!


Trav and Tennille said...

You are definitely the coolest mom. I sit here and wish that I got to stay home today and make my boys' poop green. I admire you sooo much for being such a fun mom. Please please please come and visit!

Ellaniemae said...

You are an amazing mom! I wish I had cool memories of great conversations like the one you blogged about with Eli. Or that my mom would have let us wear her clothes to school. What great memories your kids will have!

Jill Freestone said...

love the green poop - bring on the food coloring.

Becka Beacham said...

What a riot - green poop. You are such a cool mom. Your kids must think you are the greatest!

Anonymous said...

I cant wait to do that stuff w/ skylee im so excited. Sounds like this year was a blast!