Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New Camera/Grandma's Visit

Most of you know that my beloved Camera was stolen from my car about a month ago. I have been very devastated about it until now. Our Home Owners Insurance replaced my camera and I LOVE it! I actually love it more than my last one. Here are a few pic's I have taken just trying it out and getting used to it. Also my Mom has been in town visiting. (Out of all the pictures I took I have zero of her, weird) Anyway, here are some pic's of our fun.

Corn Maze.

This is only after the first time Eli fell in the mud. He looked much worse by the end.

Amish Country

Random picture of the kids all huddled around the computer playing games.


Dave and Mandi said...

Jessica that mud would give me anxiety!! You are such a good mom!

Jill Freestone said...

very nice pics! love em!

Darla said...

these pics are great!! Where ARE you guys that you're close enough to go to Amish country?!

Babbel Family said...

I want a Nikon so bad. I have been begging for over 2 years. I am hoping my time is coming sooner rather than later!

Maggie's Madness said...

I hope you stripped them down before letting them in your car. If not hopefully you put garbage bags over them. I would have skipped that activity. But that is why I have the meanest mom award and you don't.