Sunday, February 8, 2009

Funnies from the weekend

Kanyon: "Hey Eli, do you know what happens when it rains?"
Eli: "Yes, it is when Heavenly Father takes hand fulls of water and throws it on the world"
Kanyon: "Actually Eli, it is when Heavenly Father waters his garden.."

Russ: "So, who is going to have kids first?"
Eli: "ME oh ME! I want to have kids first so I can boss them around. I like to boss people around it's fun."

Listening to the radio and the song -Pocket full of sunshine- by Natasha Bedingfield came on. At the part where she sings "take me away..."

Eli: "Mom, This song is from Kids Bop. Some kids at Kids Bop really do get taken away because they are not good enough dancers. And they paid all that money for nothing. If I was in Kids Bop I would not get fired!"


christy said...

Hilarious! I love kidisms.

Anonymous said...

LOL thanks for the laugh!! I have to agree with Eli.. i want kids so i can boss them around AHAHAHAHA j/k