Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Were at it again..

That's right, another road trip.. But, this time we are NOT breaking down! See you in 2 weeks.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Extra Time?

You think that with all three boys in school I would have all of this extra time. So, the other day I decided to make homemade Pesto with the oodles of Basil I have in my garden. I mean OODLES. I don't know what to do with it all. I thought I would make lots of pesto sauce and freeze it. It all went great until I noticed what Ivy was doing right next to me.
So much for that "extra time". I spend more time cleaning up after her then anything. I think I liked it when to boys were home to entertain her.

It was such a great babysitter I let her play in it for an hour before I cleaned it up. It was tracked all through the house but it sure was a nice hour of quiet from her.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Three in school!!

I can't believe I only have ONE child at home now. I am in complete heaven. Don't get me wrong, I did feel a moment where I thought a tear might come, but it never did. I was walking out of Eli's Kindergarten room and felt that tinge of sadness but I got over it pretty quickly; Ivy and I had to hurry home to get to the gym. It was also probably the fact that Eli is well prepared and ready to start Kindergarten, He just walked in like he owned the place and sat down. I felt like a third wheel trying to get a hug and tell him how much I loved him. He just wanted his embarrassing Mother to go home. We had to walk to the school in a down pour of rain but we all made it. Kanyon and Saul ran off to there classes without so much of a goodbye. I guess I should be proud of how independent I have made them. It's amazing what neglect will do.
Anyway, as we were packing the backpacks last night Kanyon looked into his brand new backpack and it had this little plastic thing in it and he said "Cool, it has a life jacket built in". I couldn't control my laughter. But after waking up to so much rain a life jacket would have come in handy on our walk to the school. So, to all you Mom's out there sending your kids off to school ...... Lets do lunch!

Eli and his Teacher.

Yeah, the Beecher brothers - they're going to rule the school for sure!

Monday, August 18, 2008

"I know who the Tooth Fairy is"

Yep, it is that time. So, Kanyon lost a tooth the other day, which he didn't tell anyone about. He put it under his pillow to test his theory. When the Tooth Fairy didn't leave any money under his pillow his theory was confirmed and he came to Russ and I and said "I know who the Tooth Fairy is". After he told us that he thought it was us we just replied.. "as long as you believe in the Tooth Fairy you will still get $$" We also explained that he should keep his theory to himself.

After this conversation he noticed that another tooth was almost out. We thought of all sorts of ways to get it out; my favorite was tying it to a remote control car and letting it pull it out. All of our remote control cars needed to be charged so Russ thought of this idea... Tying a string from Kanyon's tooth to Ivy and sending Ivy down the slide. Why, I let this happen is beyond me. We did video it, but I will not post it because DCFS will be here in an instant. After we got it all rigged up Kanyon got scared and practically broke Ivy's arms off. After I preyed Ivy out of Kanyons arms she went screaming down the slide. his tooth went with her as planned. Really, we can't even watch the video it is too sad. So needless to say this all went VERY wrong. Next time I will not involve another helpless child in our twisted schemes.

How sad is this picture. I almost didn't post it. Look at her arms being pulled behind her. And why am I taking a picture and not helping her.....

The tooth is still outside on the grass somewhere. What was I thinking??

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Olympic Commentary

Last night Russ and I turned on the Olympics and a swim race was going on. After it was over and they were getting out of the water I was shocked to see that they were girls that were swimming. I thought the whole time they were boys. It was in the middle of the race when we turned it on and underneath the water it could be either. Anyway, this was the conversation:

Me: "Wow, those were girls? I thought they were boys."

Russ: "You could tell they were girls because they were going so slow."

He was totally serious and not joking at all. I wasn't laughing either.....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The next food network star...

I am not joking, Ivy LOVES to cook. I know she isn't even 18months old yet but she is a cooking prodigy. Trust me. She has this little blue stool that she carries around everywhere just in case I need her to help me with breakfast, lunch or dinner. The word "Hot" only makes her want to touch it and whisper "hot,hot". She sits for as long as it takes for whatever is in the oven to cook. Then I have to strap her in her highchair when it is time to take it out because she thinks she can handle the hot pads, take the dinner out, stand on her little stool and put it on the counter. Her little brain doesn't understand why I wont let her try. I am looking at the bright side of this though. In a few years I can hand over all cooking duties to her. I don't think she understands that cooking and doing the dishes are a package deal.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Service or Serve Us!?

Honestly, why is it when you have this beautiful plan in your head that you are going to go and serve one of your neighbors, that your going to teach your children this wonderful lesson in serving each other, that they are going to cooperate and find the joy in giving, that you are going to walk away feeling triumphant in your good parenting moment only to have your children asking, no begging the whole time for a cookie (which was for after my triumphant moment) and to have them argue because one child isn't doing as much as the other child is and your back is begging for mercy and the poor sweet people you went over to weed their yard for are the ones picking up after you and your children are riding their scooters around oblivious to the "wonderful lesson" right in front of them. So you pretend like they did a good job and give them a dang cookie; then walk home feeling good that you kept your patience in check that at least one of them didn't start crying and thankful that you had friends there to help and take care of Ivy. Well, you still walk away triumphant...because you know that you helped lighten somebody else's burden. Now, I need to go get my back fixed.


I keep trying not to post these pictures but something inside of me wont let me not post pictures of my inner teenager trying to get out. Now that I have read the book I am slowly getting back to feeding my family, doing the laundry and catching up on all my shows I have Tivoed.. Plus watching the Olympics. So here you all have it. I admit it; I went, I celebrated, I made a shirt, I wore the vampire teeth, I ate the free cake and I loved it!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Aren't Friends the best?!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Memory Lane

Memory Lane...the tag that gets everyone involved

Not really a tag person but thought I would give it a try.... I am sure you all have ONE memory.. :)

I hope you will play along. Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Never ending fun!

We have been having a blast since returning from Utah. It seems like non stop fun. We went Black Berry picking a few days ago. It was such a beautiful overcast day. We loved it. I have loved the smoothies Russ makes me with the berries.

We also went on a field trip to a museum on bugs. They took us out and let the kids catch as many bugs as they wanted. Luckily it was a catch and release kinda thing.

Some girls in our ward put together a Hawaiian Luau for the kids. Treasure hunt and all!

Last but not least I had a birthday. Russ and the boys made me a cake. We had some friends over to celebrate. Actually, I have milked the birthday thing for more then a week now. I love birthdays, I know as you get older they are supposed to be not that big of a deal but for me I still have an excitement for them. I like to be treated like a kid and get to do whatever I want. Here's to the big 32!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Cheesy I know!

You Are Ariel!
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Headstrong and fiesty. You have a mind of your own that's full of romantic dreams about the world around you. Exploring exotic places is your ultimate dream, and although you can be a little naive you'll realize that there is something to be gained from your family's wisdom.

Which Disney Princess Are You?