Monday, January 28, 2008

I have been tagged!

I have been tagged by my friend Jessica so beware, some of you are tagged at the bottom of this :)

A. The Rules are posted at the beginning. B. Each player answers about themselves. C. At the end of the post, the player tags 5 people, posts their names, and goes to their blogs letting them know they've been tagged.

5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago:
1. Planning a wedding
2. Working as an Executive Assistant
3. Living on my own in Provo Utah and loving it
4. Playing as much as possible
5. All of the above

5 Things On My To-Do List Today (for tomorrow):
1. Go to the gym
2. Wash my hair
3. Laundry!
4. Enrichment Meeting
5. Scrapbooking

5 Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Potato Chips
2. Veggies and dip
3. Strawberries with powdered sugar
4. Chips and Salsa
5. Baguette Bread with a good oil and spice dip

5 Things I'd Do if I Were a Billionaire:
1. Have a house cleaner and cook (only for the days I don't feel like cooking or cleaning)
2. Travel around the world
3. Get out of Debt
4. Help someone who really needed it
5. Get some really cute clothes

3 Bad Habits:
1. I recently stopped biting my nails but now I pick all the polish off everyday
2. Talk to much
3. I gossip (I try not too really!)

5 Jobs I've Had:
1. Baskin Robbins (I had a nice forearm scooping all that ice cream)
2. Walmart - Everything from Cashier, Night Stocker, Jewelry Dept. to Customer Service Manager
3. Wild Planet- Retail sales (It's a cool hippy store, we even sold iguanas)
4. Sundance Film Festival Receptionist- Yep, talked to a lot of famous people
5. Convergys- Administrative Assistant and Executive Assist. Hiring people for new projects we were working on.

5 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me
1. I am addicted to cleaning supply smells! I literally clean just so I can inhale the fumes. (don't judge me)
2. I love a clean house and don't mind cleaning it. My poor kids are afraid to move some days.
3. I am nosey and love to know what is going on in everyone's lives.
4. I think I am a positive person and look at the bright side of things.
5. I'm a "coalminers daughter" I grew up in a small coal mining town and my Dad was killed in the coal mine when I was 13.

I hate tagging others sorry! I am tagging laura, Amy, Stefanie, Lisa, Jaime.


Jessica said...

I hate tagging others too, but thanks for doing that- those are fun to read - you had some cool jobs and you can come and smell my cleaning supplies anytime (as long as you are cleaning my house while you are doing it)

Always Amy said...

Ummm Thanks for thinking of me...I guess! I will get to it, but not tonight-maybe tomorrow. By the way, I am the new primary chorister.

sarah louise said...

I like the smell of bleach! It makes me happy (probably literally huh?)
It is fun to learn new things about you!

Laura said...

"thanks" for the tag, I'ts done, so you can check it out. I am happy to report that I knew almost everything about you :) woohoooo some of the jobs I didn't know...
anyway luff you tonz, kisses to the boys