Monday, June 16, 2008


Yes, I am one of those Mom's.
Ivy doesn't even mind when I put them in and for the most part keeps them in.

She even mows the lawn after... ;)


Babbel Family said...

I have always been a curler mom. Lizzy isn't very good about it, but Laura and Hailey were always cooperative! We have that same top Ivy is wearing!

sarah louise said...

When Brynn was little she had curly hair in the back and the top wasn't quite as curly so I would put curlers on top. A little deceiving, but totally cute. So I guess I was once one of "those" moms too!
Your little girl is so very cute!

Jessica said...

How cute is she!! I grew up in those curlers and "Rags" I think honestly EVERY Saturday night I slept in them

Tamra said...

She is so adorable! I say train them up young!

Anonymous said...

curlers... hmmmm lemme just warn you my mom used curlers on me ALL the time! and my 4 older brothers all used to call me afro baby... lol she is too cute though to be called anything like that =)

jayne said...

She is the cutest little girl! I hope my next girl will let the curlers stay---my older one nixed it pretty quick.