Friday, June 6, 2008

Scout Camp

Kanyon has really enjoyed Day Camp for scouts. I even got to go and spend half the day with them and help. Scouts is really the coolest program, when done right!


Anonymous said...

that looks fun!! i wanna play!

Tisha said...

WOW! They look way too grown up! Looks like the perfect activity for 9 year old boys!

kelie said...

Are those guns real?! Oh my, what is it lately with boys and guns, between your blog and Lisa's I'm on the verge of a heart attack. Thank goodness I have guns allowed.

Jaime said...

Those pics are kinda scary! Are those water guns? I hope so - that freaks me out... I hope Michael never wants to play with a gun but I'm sure, knowing Mike, he'll be out shooting vermin ASAP.

Jessica said...

"They're real, and they're spectacular". Scary though I agree.